Embark on a transformative journey with the "Tarot Sigil Craft" workshop, a unique methodology that unveils the esoteric depths of Tarot reading through purification, intention, and magick.
Delve into the mystical narrative of Adam and Eve, unraveling the symbolism that connects these archetypes to our ego, consciousness, and the potential for ascension and growth.
Explore the profound metaphor of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, representing the Throat Chakra or Daath on the Tree of Life. In this intricate process, participants confront the choice between pollution and purification, symbolized by the two paths.
This workshop is not merely about reading Tarot cards but centers around the creation of the philosopher's stone through a meticulous purification process.
Participants will learn to transcend the misuse and abuse that Tarot has endured, reclaiming its sacred essence by purifying their own symbolic Tree.
The Throat Chakra, a focal point of the purification journey, serves as a gateway to a deeper understanding of self and spiritual growth.
Guided by the principles of Gnosis, participants will cultivate Night Vision, also known as spiritual eyes or "THE EYE."
This heightened perception not only empowers mastery in Tarot reading but opens doors to profound magickal processes.
As the workshop unfolds, attendees will discover the symbiotic relationship between the purifying journey and their ability to access and interpret the potent messages embedded within the Tarot cards.
Join us in the "Tarot Sigil Craft" workshop to unlock the transformative potential of purification, intention, and magick, and to transcend the traditional boundaries of Tarot reading.
And get the answers to the questions you seek! GET READY! :)
Angel Quintana is the visionary behind Sacred Anarchy, a mystery school and parallel society for rising leaders of the new aeon. Her mission involves guiding initiates to unlock the answers to their profound queries: "Who Am I and Why Am I Here?" With this clarity, they embark on journeys of purpose, reshaping our present world.
She imparts her wisdom in leadership through the unique lens of Western occultism, esoteric psychology, the healing arts, divination, and self-rulership. These teachings serve as the key to her clients strengthening their intuitive faculties, discerning esoteric solutions for life's challenges, and nurturing the archetypal forces residing within them in order to develop an authentic leader within.
Angel is more than an advocate for personal liberation, she's a perpetual devotee to the mysteries of ancient traditions, acknowledging these arts as the core source of her personal healing and accomplishments. As the mentor and mastermind behind the multi-faceted Sacred Anarchy platform, she continues to empower individuals to reach their highest potential, serve their kismet clients®, and transform the world.